Final Design and Branding

Since my first draft for my website, a lot has changed and been improved. For starters, the name I originally had for the organisation was ‘The Plastic Network’. This had a feel to it that appeared to be promoting plastic use rather than trying to prevent it and so with this I decided to change the organisation name to ‘The Ocean Network’. I felt this worked best as the general idea of my website was to act as an organisation fighting against plastic pollution in the ocean, which also helped to make the name more specific to the actual work that the organisation would be carrying out. Thus, aiding the users experience and allowing the company to stand out to those who are looking for websites in this category.

A few other changes that I made involved changes to the colour scheme. Rather than using greens and greys, I felt that blue shades worked a lot better and helped to connect more with users in terms of the subject matter. Blue also helps to create a clean and professional look to any website, adding credibility. Here is a screenshot of the new colour scheme being in use.

A small section of my ‘About’ page.

Another change made to the website was the use of lines and circles to create a ‘connected’ visual appearance, and to represent the word ‘network’ in the brand name. This was a great way to create a clear path throughout my site which allows users to navigate easily. An example can be found below.

An example of infographics on my home page.

In general the layout and structure of the site has been changed from my original plan. This is due to wanted to create a clearer path for users and I also wanted to make space for small illustrations that would help to make the page more interesting. The illustrations definitely help to give a more exciting atmosphere to the website, allowing the information to not appear so boring or dull. I completely revamped my footer to appear in a similar style and add interest. This can also be seen below.

An example of my footer on my website.

