
With any website, marketing plays a huge part in getting your content recognised and noticed. It is important to do some form of marketing in order to gain users to your site. I felt that with today’s craze of technical devices, a poster wouldn’t be enough to make someone want to visit your site. No, most people are lazy and would rather see an advertisement online that they can click and can immediately be linked to that site. That is why I decided to use a sponsored ad for the instagram blog of my website.

I chose Instagram for my blog as I feel it is the most popular for my ideal audience. Instagram is a great way to attract the attention of your audience through the use of images, which works effectively as no one wants to be overwhelmed by a lot of text and information. For my marketing, I have created what my sponsored ad would look like. This basically means that the ad will pop up on instagram users feeds as an advertisement. It will be directed to users who have selected things such as ‘ocean’, ‘pollution’ and ‘plastic’ as an interest on the app. That way only potential users who are actually interested in this kind of topic will receive my marketing.

