The “Kobe” mindset doesn’t work in the Startup game

Why Venture Capitalists are hesitant to invest in solo founders

Earnest Sweat
The Importance of Reading Earnest


Credit: Importance of Reading Earnest Illustration

I’m an 80s baby. I grew up in the 90s and early 2000s. So after witnessing the greatness of Michael Jordan, I welcomed the emergence of his basketball version 2.0 — Kobe Bryant. I always loved Kobe the basketball player. All the guy wanted to do was win. He had a vision and an approach on how to put his team in the best position to win. In Kobe’s opinion that meant 12 times out of 10, that he should shoot the ball. And I loved that. Even though, many of the decisions on the basketball court that he made during critical points of his career, were terrible basketball plays. But hey that’s hero ball.

If you aren’t familiar with the term, Urban Dictionary defines “Hero ball” as:

“A style of basketball played by a person with average or mediocre talent who nonetheless believes he is the second coming of Michael Jordan. It involves lots of ball-hogging, mindless spinning and jumping, and taking a bunch of highly contested fadeaway jumpers that almost never go in.”

