A Guide to Raise Investor Money for your Startup

Tips to Considering When Raising External Capital

Earnest Sweat
The Importance of Reading Earnest


Entrepreneurship is a hot button topic right now. Stories in business publications have shed light on the exhilarating and prosperous accounts of men and women that have founded tech companies. Pop culture has even raised awareness to Main street on what is going on entrepreneurship through shows like Silicon Valley and Shark Tank. Our culture’s fascination with tech icons such as Jobs, Musk, & Zuckerburg has raised the mainstream interest in entrepreneurship.

But despite our culture’s general knowledge of successful startups that have grown through venture capital, I find that little is really known about how startups can obtain $1M in seed capital from venture funds. This is evident when I meet first-time founders and review their materials. I empathize with each entrepreneur because I sat in their seats a couple years ago and had no idea how to prepare for the fundraising process. So, I’ve decided to help demystify the experience by sharing these eight tips that startup founders can use to position their startup to raise external investment capital.

1. Develop proof of concept with Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

