The Hardest Thing I’ve Ever Done Is Climb A Volcano

4 Life Lessons From That Experience I Continue to Use to Tackle Unknown Territory

Earnest Sweat
The Importance of Reading Earnest


In June 2011, I decided to take on a new chapter in my career. After four years of success in finance and entrepreneurship, I decided to pause all of that and retool as an MBA candidate. But before embarking on a new environment and new lessons, I thought it would be a great opportunity to clear my business palate and comfort zone by working abroad the summer before I enrolled at Kellogg School of Management. So a month later I found myself in Antigua, Guatemala working with local entrepreneurs helping them sell essential products like flashlights, water filtration buckets, and eyeglasses to their greater community. It was a great experience because I was forced to improve my admittedly subpar Spanish skills and become a better listener to address the issues my entrepreneurs faced.

Early on I thought the “lost in translation” and unpredictable daily commutes on the “chicken bus” would be the things that lingered forever from the experience — But I was wrong. One night taught me so much about myself and how to take on uncharted territories. That was the night I and 7 other peers completed the Midnight hike of Mt. Tajumulco. Now a little context on Mt. Tajumulco. It’s a dormant volcano and the…

