Justin Brown
The importotance Personal Development
2 min readOct 9, 2020


As I reflect on my time at elementary school I recall little to none use of technology whether it was for educational purposes or not. I recall viewing my grades from a paper form such as report cards,Materials for the class all had to be in physical form which included textbooks, several folders and other accessories. To be able to communicate with your teachers you would have to either attend what was called “Parent Teacher Conferences” or find time such as lunch or so forth to communicate . Tests and quizzes I remember recalling were always on paper and I would always have to be in school in order to be marked here for attendance.

From the time I left Elementary school to now a sophomore in college technology has not only taken over the world but in specifically taking over the educational platform. Websites such as Google Drive, Google Classroom, Schools email ,Zoom, schools domain page and etc have all exploded in being more frequent and in use in the educational environment. I noticed a huge difference in how schools began to rely on technology and its perks to further carry out their teachings and make it easier to display their school and what they had to offer. I started from physical copies and pen and paper to now my schoolwork and school envloning heavily around the internet where hard copies are never needed. From Technology advancing it allows for me and everyone else to find it more flexible to communicate with others as well as our instructors, easier to review grades and complete assignments on, Flexible to complete work on as well as have our materials for the class electronically.

My past reflection of how technology has impacted society was to show you guys how technology is slowly changing the future and is only gonna keep going as time goes on. Institutions and other schools will be heavily involved and dependent on technology. It allows for easier and more efficient for both students and staff to keep the business running and to give students resources that they can explore and utilize to perform better. This also relates to my previous post about virtual education in which you can also see how schools are heavily dependent on technology and find it efficient.



Justin Brown
The importotance Personal Development

My Name is Justin Brown and Im a student at the University at Buffalo who studys Business Administration in the class of 2023.