Impossible Books 10–20

More books I may never write


I started ‘publishing’ the ‘books’ I may never write in March 2015. It’s been a wonderful, creative and liberating experience — particularly collaborating with Gus Condeixa to produce wonderful covers for the books. I’m very grateful to those who have followed the project and commented on it.

I plan to continue, but having published 20 books, I think it’s time to take a few weeks break for the summer. After I had published 10 books, I posted a recap of the first twenty here. So, here’s a recap of the second 10:

First of all, a reminder of the rationale for the whole series:

And here’s the rest, in the order in which they were published:

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this post , why not browse through the rest of the series here?

Also, please recommend and share it on Medium or elsewhere. I would love to read your comments too.

Many thanks!



Keith Kahn-Harris
The Impossible Books of Keith Kahn-Harris

Professionally curious writer and sociologist. Expert on Jews and on heavy metal — interested in much more. For more about me go to