Welcome to The Improv Blog

I’m making this up as I go

Allison Gauss
The Improv Blog


Part of what makes improvisational comedy so magical is that it is both spontaneous and fleeting. As we often say when introducing a show, these are scenes that have never been done before and will never happen again.

Part of what makes writing so difficult is that it requires planning and revision. What’s more, everything you write these days will probably live forever on the internet.

For these reasons, improv and blogging are pretty strange bedfellows, but lessons from improv are can be applied far beyond the stage.

I want to use The Improv Blog to explore, explain, and expand on best practices for improv and life.

Every week, I’ll be posting content around…

  • The basic elements of improv (character, setting, conflict, game, etc.)
  • “Rules,” guidelines, and best practices
  • Improv exercises, styles, and forms
  • How to work with your teammates and community to keep improv fun for everyone (except bigots, I don’t care if they have fun)
  • How lessons from improv can be applied to other areas of life

This is the type of content I expect to appear on this blog, but the fact is that I’m making all this up as I go along. So there might be some surprises, missteps, or catastrophes. I will do my very best to justify them.

Follow The Improv Blog on Medium, Instagram, and Twitter. You can also follow TIB’s editor, Allison Gauss — Medium, Instagram, Twitter.

