A Crash Course on Telehealth Tools for Your Physical Therapy Practice

In Hand Health
The In Hand Health Collection
4 min readDec 9, 2016


Change is hard as they say.

Even when the benefits seem apparent, it can be very difficult to develop new workflows and break habits that have built up over months — or maybe even years.

We here at In Hand Health see this pattern often with physical therapy practices.

Is This Your Standard Operating Procedure?

Many physical therapists are used to sending patients home with printed or copied exercises. Some trust patients to perform their exercises at home from memory. Other clinics email links to exercise videos on a third party website that are disconnected from any monitoring or perhaps even security measures (gasp!).

While a few patients might call from home with questions, most don’t.

And while some patients might exercise as directed, most don’t.

The reality is most PTs don’t know what has happened with their patients until the next time they walk through the clinic doors. And those patients with high copays and deductibles, let’s hope there is a next time.

Would You Consider An Alternative Approach?

So given high non-compliance and patient drop out rates, it figures there must be a better way for treating patients between sessions than through hard-to-read, easy-to-lose photocopies and non-secure, unmonitored videos.

And in fact there is.

Studies show as many as 75% of US adults own a smartphone and most of them might check it as much as 115 times a day.

In Hand Health gives you the tools you need to deliver your physical therapy expertise securely into the screen that captures a portion of your patients’ attention several times a day.

These are the same devices your patients use to check email, social media networks, weather forecasts, bank balances, and their healthcare.

So while the concept of PT delivery on a smartphone might be relatively new to you, it’s logical it will be expected by your patients in the very near future. If your practice doesn’t have a plan to capture this opportunity, now is the time.

Are You “Too Busy” to Change Things Up?

Actually, we understand the challenging business climate practices are operating in while striving to deliver the best care possible.

Your waiting rooms are packed, schedules are full, and any spare time is filled with paperwork. Meanwhile, insurance isn’t reimbursing the way it used to…basically you’re working harder and making less.

The truth is it can be difficult to break out of habits you’ve developed to cope with the workload to learn and eventually see the results of a new process.

Today, however, we hope to inspire you to at least consider a change to your business model. Consider augmenting your office visits with each patient by delivering your expertise through easy-to-manage subscriptions when they are between sessions.

In a short time, you will see the change in your methods around home exercise programs and patient engagement systems will be for the better of your practice, your patients’ wellbeing, and your own sanity.

Can you spend less than 30 minutes to change your situation?

You can implement our patient engagement solution and test our telehealth tools through six short lessons that take about 30 minutes (or less) each. Register now for the In Hand Health Crash Course and we will email you your first lesson within a few minutes.

In no time, you will see how easy it is to connect with patients between visits and build a stronger relationship with them through our telehealth tools. You will also learn how you can build an additional revenue stream through In Hand Health while transforming the way you deliver physical therapy to match the expectations of the modern patient.

So why not give change a try?

With any new system, the most valuable investment you make is the time required to learn it. And with the In Hand Health Crash Course, your time is greatly taken into consideration to get you up and running within just a few hours.

So let’s get started! Register for the In Hand Health Crash Course and receive your first lesson within a few minutes. Let us know if we can be of any assistance and we look forward to working with you soon.

Originally published at www.inhandhealth.com.



In Hand Health
The In Hand Health Collection

We provide a telehealth solution that keeps physical therapists and their patients connected between sessions for better outcomes faster. www.inhandhealth.com