Lessons Learned About Time Challenged PT Practices

In Hand Health
The In Hand Health Collection
5 min readMar 8, 2017


We unveiled a new website and approach to the PT market this week.

In rather shocking news, this event didn’t gather as much attention as an offer to send people around the moon did elsewhere.

But it is still significant for us. And for PT practice owners too.

Make no mistake, our commitment to advancing physical therapy through technology is strong.

Our approach is now, should we say, a little more PT savvy.

It’s Spring in KC. Time for a new website, severe weather alerts, and creatures like this guy who come around looking for anything they can find laying around our door.

The backstory: If you don’t know, we are a bunch of lifetime software nerds here at In Hand Health.

We entered the PT space about 3+ years ago after various encounters with your profession. Some of us were PT patients. Others of us had friends in the industry.

We pooled our shared experiences, contracted with physical therapists, and trialed our software with a few clinics around the area. This collective knowledge and our initial development efforts led us to believe we could affect physical therapy with technology for the good of all — patients, therapists, and their practices.

And that is still the mission moving forward.

One of our employees didn’t really go out in the snowy woods and stage this picture with Star Wars figurines. As far as we know anyway.

Let’s fast forward to today.

We have learned your PT practice doesn’t necessarily need a video-based home exercise program.

Same for remote monitoring of patient adherence to your plans. And HIPAA-compliant communications between sessions? Subscription-based wellness?

Those telehealth tools aren’t for you.

Well sort of. Fortunately for us (and you) that’s not 100% accurate.

What you have told us you see the value in our solution and would really, really like to have the tools in place today.

But to take the time to get there is a different matter.

For starters, evaluating software is not ahead of evaluating patients.

And then there are the constant scheduling and insurance issues. Those are also ahead in the priority line.

Oh, and you have to research the latest techniques and get those CE credits.

What’s that you say? Someone quit? Better staff up.

Oh, and the 2017 APTA CSM Conference ate up a week. And the week after was kind of a recovery period. San Antonio, riverwalk, PT Pub Night, and all.

And then, after all that, and some family time, when you get a few minutes. Then you might take a look at telehealth tools and see how they can help your practice.

We get it. Took us a while. But we get it.

We know you are busy but it’s time to start planting the seeds for telehealth in your practice.

We now understand you work at a breakneck (no pun intended) pace.

We’ve also learned there is a lot of noise in your ears when it comes to new technology in physical therapy.

It’s hard to know what product is the most important to your practice now and in the future. It is even more difficult to find the time to create an account and test anything.

For you to take on new software and have it succeed, you need a return on your time. What’s more, you need long-term solutions with consistent paybacks and not here-today, gone-tomorrow widgets.

And you need help.

There’s no need to feel left behind or unsure how to engage patients with technology. Let us help you out!

If this sounds like your practice, we would like to throw a lifeline and extend a hand.

During the past years, our solution has grown into a powerful platform (if we do say so ourselves). It includes many, many innovative features for treating your patients through telehealth. (Just sprained an arm patting our own collective back there.)

The reality, however, is your patient engagement strategy may look different than the clinic in the next city or even down the street.

While our software can meet various requirements, it no longer needs to be up to you to figure out which features are best for you today and which ones can wait.

We’ve re-shaped our approach to provide a solution that meets your immediate telehealth needs now. You can then expand your capabilities in the future. All while generating extra revenue.

Get our version of VIP treatment when implementing our solution at your practice.

So here’s the new approach.

Request an Invitation to our solution. This will grant you access to our solution with a real-live tour guide, aka an In Hand Health sales rep.

We will help analyze your practice’s most immediate needs and whether we are a good fit for you.

From there, we will develop a schedule for testing the parts of our solution that fit your highest needs.

During this process, we will need a short call/webinar or two (or three) to collect some information. But we will do our best to keep your time commitment low.

Most important, we will show how you can generate revenue through telehealth.

Designed years ago, the Continuing Care subscription system was the first of its kind for PT practices. We can show you how to use it so you get the financial return on your time.

A marathon mindset will go a long way in building your practice’s success with our solution. We want to be with you for the journey.

As a friend in the industry remarked, physical therapy involves a long-term mindset from the PT and patient to generate a successful outcome.

There are no quick fixes.

Our software also generates the best return with a long-term mindset of building steady revenue by growing a loyal patient base.

Give us a chance! We will help you reach your practice goals and make the most of your time.

After all, we know you don’t have a lot to spare.

Ready to get started? See more information on our main website or go ahead and Request An Invitation right now.

Originally published at www.inhandhealth.com on March 8, 2017.



In Hand Health
The In Hand Health Collection

We provide a telehealth solution that keeps physical therapists and their patients connected between sessions for better outcomes faster. www.inhandhealth.com