49 Ways to Leave Your eImpact

Gregory Keyes
The (In)Validator’s Dilemma
7 min readApr 14, 2021


Appendix I: The eValidator’s Solution

Below is a summary of the first appendix in my up-coming book, The (In)Validator’s Dilemma. The book documents my professional journey as a software engineer, systems engineer, and as manager of people, primarily in the medical devices and software industry. During my career of over 30-years, I had both witnessed and experienced what Clayton Christensen referred-to and documented in his book, The Innovator’s Dilemma.

The (In)Validator’s Dilemma takes yet another look at the innovator’s dilemma, showcasing a new perspective and proposes a new solution. A solution that embraces both validation and invalidation, eValidation. Had I not personally experienced both the innovator’s dilemma and my own career-ending (in)validator’s dilemma the solution may have continued to elude both me and you the reader.

The (in)validator’s dilemma is really a validator’s dilemma. It’s just that when we think of validation — the act of validating — and of validator — one who acts to validate — we often don’t consider the equally important act of invalidation. The “in” exposes our oftentimes silent gut feel telling us that we should act to invalidate. When you’re looking to validate, listen to your gut too.

In the 4-years since my career came to an abrupt end, because of my (in)validator’s “behavior”, I’ve had the opportunity research both the thesis of my book and to further justify my actions of January 2017. (I’ve certainly considered what I…

