Marketing is Validation

Gregory Keyes
The (In)Validator’s Dilemma
2 min readNov 15, 2018

Hey, it’s Gregory, The In-Validator, and Seth Godin’s got a new book, This Is Marketing, and it just shipped! Its theme is creating better things by doing things better.

This is my blurb, not on the book, but on Seth and his influence on me and my new blog on validation. Better things also need to be valid things.

Like many people I know, even those with careers in marketing, I’d never heard of Seth Godin.

It’s hard to imagine not being aware of an author and personality who’s written 18…er, 19 books and over 7,400 blog posts.

Somehow, Seth carved out a smallest viable audience (SVA) for himself, one that’s grown drip-by-drip to eventually include people like me. Maybe, people like us?

After following Seth’s daily blog for several weeks, and then his new Akimbo podcast from inception, I applied for his altMBA workshop with:

“I’m committed to starting a revolutionary movement aimed at improving quality — product, software, life — based on a simple, innovative framework for decision-making and validation.”

altMBA gave me and my cohort a safe place in which to try out our ideas and receive feedback from “generous skeptics”, many of whom have become friends, allies, and kindred spirits.

This is my first weekly blog article in The In-Validator’s Dilemma, a publication on Medium. The emphasis is on in, as in it’s in to be a validator, while acknowledging it’s also proper to invalidate when necessary. Its theme will be focused on doing the right thing while not neglecting doing the thing right. The right thing right is both better and valid.

As a recognized expert in medical device software validation, I’ll be defining the framework of The In-Validator’s Dilemma, showing you how to apply it to what you’re validating, whether it’s your software, your business’s digital transformation, or something even bigger in your life.

Until next week, Be valid! Be an in-validator!

