Bo Murley Talks About Fitness Coaching & Transforming Lives

Surabhi Verma
The Inception
Published in
6 min readJan 14, 2021

Our audience would love to read your inspiring story and journey towards becoming a fitness sensation. Please tell us about yourself in brief and the work you do.

I am originally from a small farm community of 800 people in Iowa. Fitness started for me as a 4 sport athlete in high school and went on to play collegiate baseball but then injuries derailed my career. After college, I worked in finance for an asset management firm in Chicago but wasn’t happy or pursuing something that I was passionate about.

After 4 years I left the corporate world and started Bo Murley Fitness where we work with high-performing men & women through our 1–1 fitness and lifestyle coaching program.

How important is it to be fit in today’s time, when we see people unconsciously consuming food items, especially while being at home?

Working from home has been a real challenge for so many people and have seen it with the clients we work with. That work/life balance line has been blurred. Find people are working more from home than they ever had before which has caused some issues.

Unconscious eating has been a problem and it’s so easy to do when people work from home. One thing we have really focused in on with clients this past year is to simply remove those tempting food choices from the house. Out of sight out of mind. It’s easy to grab a bag of chips when they are there but people are less likely to get into their car and drive to the store when they crave something.

We have spent even more time with clients this past year on creating better schedules, habits, routines, and boundaries while working from home which has helped them tremendously.

How do you encourage your clients to lose body fat forever with zero food restrictions, insane workouts, and supplements?

So when I started my fitness business I really took a look at the big picture and asked myself, “Why do so many people struggle losing weight?

It’s because people enjoy food, it’s a huge part of our culture no matter where in this world you live. Most diets are based around the idea of restriction, giving up your favorite foods such as carbs for example. Carbs are not the problem, overeating is the problem. So what if we really focused on education and teaching our clients how they can lose weight while still enjoying their favorite foods because if we do that it’s a lifestyle they can sustain forever.

Nutrition drives the majority of the results so training needs to tailored specifically for that individual's goals, lifestyle, and what is realistic. It’s not about killing clients workout wise to get results because chances are that’s not a level of training they could sustain forever.

Supplements are pretty simple. I personally take supplements. We do educate our clients around supplements and their benefits but you are talking 1–2% of people's results if their nutrition and training in on point. Nobody got in great shape because of the pills or powders they took.

What is your fitness philosophy? Do you implement the same with your clients?

Simplicity and straight-forwardness wins. It doesn’t mean it’s easy but it shouldn’t be harder than it needs to be. You get the biggest buy-in from clients when they understand what they are doing and why they are doing it. They don’t need to know everything I know, they need to know what they need to know to get results then sustain those results the rest of their life. It’s important to explain the “why” we are doing something, not just hand clients a nutrition and training plan and tell them to do it.

We want our clients to make fitness a part of their lifestyle, not build their life around fitness because that typically has an expiration date. When clients can learn how to still have fun, enjoy holidays, birthdays, and vacations they will win long-term.

Running a business online takes a lot of effort. What factors supported you towards the growth of your business?

Investing in myself, a lot. Learning from people who had experience in doing what I was trying to do and were at the time further along than I was is the biggest factor. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I had not invested in a few different programs myself.

I also think it is very logical as well. We ask potential clients to invest in themselves and in their health & fitness with our program so it’s important for me to be a leader by example and do the same thing myself. If not, I would feel like an imposter.

Outside of that, I would put effort and hard work right up there. A lot of effort and hard work fixes a lot of problems with running a business and life in general.

Finally eliminating distractions, surrounding yourself with good people, and being grateful every day helps a lot.

What basic day-to-day tasks should one adopt in order to remain fit?

We put in place “Bo Murley Fitness Daily Success Metrics” for our clients which is really creating non-negotiables for them every single day such as hitting nutrition numbers, getting their workout in or moving their body, or something like 10,000 steps. It’s those lifestyle changes and newly formed habits that create the change.

If people are consistently doing the right things each day it just becomes a matter of when not if they will reach their fitness goals.

One mistake people make is to take care of others before they take care of themselves. Meaning on their calendar they put work activities, kids events, errands, and so on then say well if I have time this day I will work out or prep my food.

You have to recalibrate that way of thinking and put those things that will fill your cup first on the calendar before filling up the cup of others. Have a plan and know exactly each week when you will work out when you will prepare your meals, or even when you will go to sleep each night.

Oftentimes people say they don’t have time but in reality, we know that’s not the case they are just giving priority to other things and not planning properly.

We would love to know about services. What results should one expect after getting coaching from you?

Success to us with every client we work with is two things, results, and making fitness a sustainable lifestyle.

We want our clients to reach their goal of losing 30lbs for example but most importantly we want to do it in the right way where they can do it themselves long-term and make it a sustainable lifestyle long after they have finished our coaching program.

Finally losing weight and getting clients to their goal is very fulfilling but what is even more rewarding and what lights us up is what losing that weight actually does for a client. It improves their confidence, relationships, self-image, energy, focus, and productivity for their career, how they show up as a spouse or mom or dad.

We have had clients meet the love of their life, get huge promotions, reverse health issues, and had a few clients start their own businesses while in our program.

Those are the results that matter most and what we want clients to experience by working with us.

Where can our audience get connected with you?

Be way to connect with me would be on Instagram @bo_murley as I am on that platform the most. Simply send me a message if interested in learning more about our coaching services. I am also active on Facebook as well and can just search “Bo Murley” and should come up!



Surabhi Verma
The Inception

Author: And She Quit Her Job, Founding Editor ‘The Inception’ on Medium, Entertainment Journalist (The Times Group), Former Copy Editor (Hindustan Times).