Jeff Lopes - Sharing Pro Business Tips Through His Podcast ‘Jeff Knows Inc.’
Our readers would love to know about your entrepreneurial podcast -Jeff Knows Inc. Let us know how it all began?
Jeff Know Inc. was a love child of 24 years plus as a serial entrepreneur. I have spent this period in my life, learning and growing as an entrepreneur and the last 3 years plus I have been fortunate enough to be able to pass on my knowledge to other young entrepreneurs. Jeff Knows Inc. Podcast has just given me a bigger platform to spread my knowledge, but the platform to build my knowledge. The quality of inspiring, driven world-class entrepreneurs I have the pleasure to host every week is incredible. Our listeners are not only learning business strategies, but they are also learning about each of our entrepreneurial guests. I host the podcast with an open free-flowing conversation, allowing our guests to openly talk about life, family, and business, allowing our listeners to truly get to know our guests.
Give us some insight into your company Kimurawear. What does it focus on?
I founded Kimurawear as a Boxing and Martial Arts Equipment Brand in January 2006. As with all successful companies, the brand has considerably evolved over the 14 years plus. Kimurawear now sells in over 1800 locations across North America and our custom design department has driven us to become the Kings of Custom in this industry. As a brand, we have designed and manufactured thousands of custom branded equipment orders for combat gyms across the world. The brand hit an incredible milestone in 2019, by selling over a quarter million pairs of boxing gloves.
How do you balance family and business?
As a husband and proud father of two children, I have always found a purpose to succeed through my children. I have always had the mindset that no matter what you are doing, or how tired you are if your child asks you to do something with them you stop and drop what you’re doing and enjoy the time that’s spent with them. As an entrepreneur, I am a strong believer in scheduling; having a strict schedule will allow you to find balance in your day to day life. There will be times that your business may conflict with family events, those are the days I sacrifice time, meaning I will work later that night or pre-plan an earlier morning to make sure I don’t miss that dance recital or that baseball game. So my strongest advice for an entrepreneur, trying to find balance, focus on a schedule, and realize, the business will be there tomorrow, but the family may not.
We are on this earth for a very short period, so we need to appreciate the time you have with your loved ones. Please stop making excuses and figure a way to make the time and effort, everyone will have that one moment where they wish they could go back and have a bit more time with a loved one, so start now and do not procrastinate”.
As an entrepreneur, you must be multitasking many times during the day. How does your day-to-day schedule look like?
Multitasking is a must for any successful entrepreneur, but I am a strong believer in routine and do lists. I have a very routine schedule for my start and end of the day. My mornings start normally around 4:30 to 5 AM each day. I try and find 5 or 10 minutes for a bit of what I call quite a time, just breathing and thinking of the day prior and what I like to accomplish today. Then the real routine begins with the basic daily stuff, which I love as they set the morning on accomplishing little goals, like making my bed, making a cup of black coffee, letting the dog out. I am a strong believer in still handwriting a daily Do List, this helps set my schedule for the day and as I complete and check off tasks, it gives me a sense of accomplishment. Any tasks not completed I bump these to the next morning daily Do List.
How did the pandemic hit your business?
The Pandemic has truly put a lot of industries in a tough situation, but I am a strong believer, in times of struggle the best entrepreneurs raise above the crowd of wannabe entrepreneurs. You have to take every bad situation as a moment to refocus and reassess your business. Were we hit? Of course, our main brand Kimurawear manufactures and sells directly to gyms. On March 18 when gyms all were forced to close, our mainstream of income stopped. Rule number one for all entrepreneurs; do not ever play the victim card. I took this as a reset moment; I sat back and took the time to focus on building from the back end and building via social media the brand value. We are coming out of this pandemic, stronger then we have ever been, I took this as a positive time, I enjoyed everything that came out of this pandemic when it came to business growth
To what do you attribute your success?
One simple thing, “hard work”, I have always tried to be the hardest worker and this is something I install in my two children. I am a strong believer there is always going to be someone, smarter then you, more athletic then you, those are things you cannot control. But, being the hardest worker in the room you can control. I have always taken the mindset, be up earlier than your competition, and be ready to work harder than your competition. A lot of entrepreneurs will always say “work smart not hard”, I say “work smart and work hard” and do not be scared to get your hands dirty if you want to rise to the top of your industry.
Where can our audience connect with you?
I allow myself to be very accessible to fellow entrepreneurs; I am always eager to pass on my knowledge and to also take in a lesson or two. I can be reached directly by email.
My Company: Kimurawear
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