5 Simple and Easy Yoga for Senior Citizens

Amit Gope
The Indian Med
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2020

Aging is inevitably a natural process however its degeneration and associated health hazards can at best be postponed to an extent through implementation yoga.

Yoga is incredible for an older population to help them maintain their balance, keep their joints flexible, maintain bone health and muscle mass, as well as learn how to cope with their mental state as they witness their bodies aging.

Yoga is great for focus, concentration, and emotional well being. Seniors can benefit tremendously from the practice and it gives them a place to quiet their mind and start to slow down in life. Group classes are also wonderful for an older population because it gives them a sense of purpose and community.

Why Yoga for Old Age?

  • Yoga helps to reduce positive pressure (atmospheric) and increase negative pressure (anti-atmospheric) thus good for prostate glands.
  • Some researches reveal that yoga reduces urinary acidity and uropepsin.
  • Practicing yoga has significant contribution for reduction of high blood pressure, heart rate and coronary problems.
  • Yoga diminishes the activity of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) i.e., oxygen free radicals thereby decreases neurogenerative disorders, oncogene activation and chances of diabetes and so many health disorders.
  • Yoga literature suggests filling 50% of the stomach with solid food (rice, chapatti, vegetables etc.), 25% with water and remaining 25% should be kept empty for healthy living.

Visit https://theindianmed.com/5-simple-and-easy-yoga-for-senior-citizens/ to know the specific yoga’s for senior citizens or old age.

Originally published at https://theindianmed.com on May 15, 2020.



Amit Gope
The Indian Med

An engineering student and a passionate writer who is curious about traditional medicine system and health benefits of various Indian herbs.