Karanool Therapy in Siddha for Fistula-in-ano Treatment

Amit Gope
The Indian Med
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2020

Karanool therapy is a unique para surgical treatment carried out for the management of fistula-in-ano. It is a method of chemical cauterization of the patient fistulous tract. Caustic substances like Achyranthus salt, Dalmia extensa salt etc. are smeared on a surgical linen thread which is used to cut the tract.

The major advantages of this procedure are, it will preserve the function of continence and prevents the recurrence of the condition.

Saint Agathiar, Therayar and Bogar have described in their classical Siddha texts, the method of preparation of Karam and Karaseelai. Nowadays a number of Siddha physicians use the Karam based wicks such as sterile thread or cloth for the successful treatment of Anorectal diseases and benign growths.

In general Karanool Sigitchai is a minimal invasive technique familiar in Tamilnadu and used for the treatment of piles, anal fistula, pilonidal fistula, warts, skin tags etc. In this technique, a specially prepared thread (Karanool) is used to treat Anorectal diseases and the process may be called as Herbal Chemical Cauterisation.

The clinical approaches in few cases of external haemorrhoids and low anal fistula using Karanool showed safe, sure and cost effectiveness of this method. The efficacy of this treatment depends upon the ingredients in the Karam. Essentially the Karam is prepared from a mixture of ash extracts of some plants, salts, plant parts and latex, so it possesses antimicrobial activity and the pH is high.

visit https://theindianmed.com/karanool-therapy-in-siddha-for-fistula-in-ano-treatment/ to read full article.

Originally published at https://theindianmed.com on July 15, 2020.



Amit Gope
The Indian Med

An engineering student and a passionate writer who is curious about traditional medicine system and health benefits of various Indian herbs.