Upavistha Konasana: How to do & What are its Benefits?

Amit Gope
The Indian Med
Published in
1 min readJun 29, 2020

Step 1:

Sit on the floor with legs extended out in front (Dandasana).

Step 2:

Use a blanket, bolster or block for extra lift in the spine if needed.

Step 3:

Exhale and open the legs wide. Reach out through your heels and press though the balls of the feet.

Step 4:

Draw the thigh muscles up. Look up, lift your chest and extend your spine.

Step 5:

Exhale and extend forwards from the pelvis. Keep the length in your spine as you walk your hands forward between your legs.

Step 6:

Reach through the crown of your head towards your feet.

Step 7:

On each exhalation, sink a little deeper.

Step 8:

Stay for thirty seconds to one minute, or longer if comfortable. Inhale, release the hands and slowly come up. Bring the legs together.

click https://theindianmed.com/upavistha-konasana-how-to-do-what-are-its-benefits/ to read about benefits.

Originally published at https://theindianmed.com on June 29, 2020.



Amit Gope
The Indian Med

An engineering student and a passionate writer who is curious about traditional medicine system and health benefits of various Indian herbs.