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Cameron Piccalo
The Indie System
5 min readFeb 26, 2016


Developer: Supergiant Games



When getting into Indie games there are some games that one needs to know about and play when they get the chance. Bastion is one of those games. Developed by Supergiant Games and released on July 20, 2011, Bastion is an Action-RPG and one of the godfathers of Indie gaming and has garnered quite the following and respect among the community for its very interesting way of storytelling. It has helped to pave the way for future indie titles to delve into deep storytelling. Bastion has helped me to further my understanding of what indie games are capable of. It is a true marvel of modern gaming and one that people should engage in if they want a truly meaningful gaming experience. One that will leave you pondering about the story you’ve played through and the events you have had a hand in.

Bastion Official Trailer


The gameplay of this game is fairly easy to learn and pickup. It does have some odd default key mappings but nothing that you can’t change to fit your preference. Personally I found the shield key to be in an awkward default position, but again its not that big a deal. Its easy to keep track of whats trying to kill you and what isn’t with each having a very distinct health bar. combat is very fulfilling and satisfying with each hit and shot. Their is wide variety of items and weapons, each with their own customizable skills, as well as simple mechanics. You have skills which when used consume a black potion and then you have blue potions which are used for health restoration. The games enemies vary each having their own ways of attacking so combat never really grow tired or stale.


Bastion’s entire story is narrated by Rucks, who at first was unnamed until after The Kid meets him in person. Ricks becomes The Kids friend and someone he can trust with most of his homeland of Caelondia destroyed by the Calamity. The Calamity was a cataclysmic event that ripped apart his homeland and you discover through the story what caused the event and how it came to be and it is something that sticks with you when you figure it out. The Kid finds a new home in the fabled Bastion. It serves as a new beginning for him. In order to fully restore the Bastion to its full power Rucks tells The Kid that he needs to collect Cores, which used to power Caelondia, and in doing so is able to expand the Bastion in the way he sees fit. This is the focal point of the game as it is what drives the few survivors of Caelondia to try and rebuild there home and start again.

(From left to right) The Kid, Zulf, Zia and Rucks

As the game unfold you meet two other survivors of the Calamity known as Zulf and Zia who are both from the Ura tribe who used to be at war with Caelondia. There is a very interesting story that plays out between the four characters as they grow closer and are eventually faced with difficult decisions regarding each other. If one aspect of this game stands tall it is its very intriguing story. It just pulls you into it and you feel the weight of the events that have happened that you weren’t even involved in as well as those you experience first hand. It truly is a wonderful experience to enjoy this story.

The Kid

As most games lean heavily on their protagonist to tell the story, Bastion takes things from a different approach. The main protagonist is a kid known throughout the story only as the “The Kid” and he is a silent hero. The Kid says nothing directly throughout the whole game with his personal story being told through journies to “Who Knows Where” where The Kid fights wave after wave of enemies while Rucks tells his backstory and how he came to be where he is today. The Kid is a character who you find yourself sympathizing for despite never getting a full showing of who he is first hand. He is selfless and dedicated to the restoration of the Bastion and hopes that someday he can find a home again.

Weapons & Spirits

Cael Hammer Proving Grounds

This game possesses a good variety of weapon types for the player to choose from. With both ranged and melee weapons, as well as explosives, this game boasts a weapon selection that anybody can find happiness somewhere within its violent pool of fun. Each weapon has a slightly different mechanic and can all be upgraded to fit the players preference. There are such weapons as a Machete, which has a fast attack speed and can be upgraded with a Bleed effect, there is also a Mortar Cannon that The Kid can use to wipe out whole groups of enemies at once after a brief charge period. As if the large selection of armaments wasn’t enough, there is also a Distillery that you can build in the Bastion and it houses a wide array of items called Spirits. With each level that The Kid grows, he is able to have another Spirit active simultaneously. They vary widely in their affects and can very much change up how you should play depending on your style of gameplay.

Verdict: 10/10

A meaningful experience by far, I cannot say that enough. You find yourself caring for characters who never really say a word. This is one of those game that stay with you and you should take your time when playing it. You really shouldn’t rush games like this. They are meant to be enjoyed as opposed to just being consumed. Take time to enjoy the artwork and the score and the characters. Bastion is by far one of the pinnacles of indie gaming and it is one that many should play. The passion is very apparent throughout ever cutscene and combat scenario. Get on one of the systems mentioned above and get this game today!



Cameron Piccalo
The Indie System

I am passionate about writing and gaming and I’m the founder of the best place for all indie gaming needs: The Indie System