The Indie System

Reviewing the Underdogs of Gaming

Cameron Piccalo
The Indie System
3 min readFeb 3, 2016


The Indie System’s New Logo!

What it is?

What this place is, is a place where you will find detailed breakdowns and reviews of different games. While I intend to focus on mostly Indie games, I will still throw in a mainstream here and there to spice things up a little. While the mainstreams are in the minority here they will still be receiving the same amount of love or disdain as the Indies depending on their quality. I will always do my research before writing about a game and each game will receive intense playthroughs as well as me diving into the Lore of the game.

Who it is?

I am a 22 year old college student who has had no shortage of gaming in his life. As I began to get older I am constantly told to stop playing video games and that it was time to grow up. The way I see it though I could take that ever present passion for gaming and combine it with my passion for writing and create something that can benefit others as well as work on my skills as a writer and a gamer.

Why it is?

This blog is a passion project of mine that I have been pondering about for quite sometime and for it to finally be starting is something I am extremely excited about. My goal is for people to find very detailed reviews of games and form their own opinions on the games before they purchase it. I hope to bring attention to those Indie games that are undeniably beautiful works of art but go unnoticed due to being created by small time development companies.

When it is?

I will try to post as frequently I can. My wallet dictates which games I can purchase and I will try to post up as often as I can. You can expect a good amount of content for each post. I am aiming for the quality to make up for the lack of quantity; at least in the beginning. I post up every Tuesday and Friday, with exceptions, about indies, and every other Monday I will be posting about mainstream games that piqued my interest.

How it is?

How this good this blog is, is totally up to you guys. That’s what makes it so awesome. It’s not up to me for it to be awesome; it’s up to the readers and the gamers who decide if my word is worth reading into and trusting. Be sure to follow the blog to get all the latest updates on when I post to get the reviews as soon as possible. I hope that you guys and girls will find my writing and ratings fair and well earned. I hope that it will be obvious through my writing that I am passionate and take care in what I write as opposed to just throwing down whatever is the popular opinion.



Cameron Piccalo
The Indie System

I am passionate about writing and gaming and I’m the founder of the best place for all indie gaming needs: The Indie System