Track Review: Grilled Cheese // Martha Hill

Matt Wheatley
The Indiependent
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2020

Martha Hill’s new track is due to release tomorrow on the 26th June and with a name like ‘Grilled Cheese’ you’d hope it’s tasty. I can tell you now it is anything but cheesy. With buttery soft vocals and a crunchy drum beat you know it lives up to its title.

Food puns aside, it’s amazing to consider that this track was recorded during the current UK lockdown, relying on Zoom meetings with band members to ensure its completion.

‘Grilled Cheese’ is a deep dive into a relationship focusing on the little arguments that crop up, whether they are about food preparation or jealousy. Hill’s track feels deeply personal and the fact she is solely addressing one person throughout the lyrics adds a whole extra layer to this song — you finish listening to it and are rooting for this couple to get back together. The majority of people have been in a relationship that has it’s issues, having a song to represent and normalise these small issues rather than painting an scene of catastrophic heartbreak allows the listener to fully appreciate the lyrics Hill is singing. Furthermore, having a comforting, warm food such as a ‘Grilled Cheese’ for the title of track gives a feeling of nourishment and lets the listener still believe the situation will get better for the couple in the song.

Martha Hill has been named one of BBC Introducing’s “one’s to watch” for 2020 and after the release of ‘Grilled Cheese’ you should definitely keep your eye on her.

You can pre-save ‘Grilled Cheese’ here!

Words by Matt Wheatley

Originally published at on June 25, 2020.



Matt Wheatley
The Indiependent

music graduate // drink pourer // word writer // car driver // photo taker