An extra-ordinary Saturday

Pritin Tyagaraj
The Indo-Swede
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2018

More often than not, Saturdays are lazy days for my wife and me. It’s only on Fridays that we go to bed without setting an alarm. We then proceed to oversleep slightly and then drag our comatose selves through the day; still feeling sleepy until up to lunchtime, even though theoretically our bodies couldn’t possibly need more sleep. This is the case with every Saturday, unless we have something else planned in advance.

4th March, 2018 was all set to be one of those lazy Saturdays as well. But that coin flipped when we woke up to a message from our friend Michelle Job. She is a photographer and often conducts photo shoots with her clients at Hagaparken in Stockholm. In her message she invited us to a snow session at the majestic Hagapark, and concluded “if you’re interested, please come”. This was a defining moment for that day — as defining as any moment in one of our lazy Saturdays can get. We could lean towards the (easier) option of saying “Thanks, but maybe some other time” or we could actually shake off our drowsiness and get ourselves to Hagaparken for a photo shoot. I am quite sure we would have opted for the former, had we not been familiar with Michelle’s work. Knowing the quality of the results that her photoshoots yield, we immediately knew that we would miss out on something special if we turned this down. So we decided — “Let’s do this!”

We met Michelle at the cafe in the iconic “copper tents” at Hagaparken, grabbed a ‘debatably quick’ brunch together (What? I enjoy enjoying my meals) and then proceeded to start with our photoshoot. At this point, while we were familiar with her work — the end result of what she does, we really had no idea of how the photoshoot experience in itself would be.

It was fantastic! Michelle was so involved during the entire photoshoot (which lasted for over an hour), and was full of ideas on settings in which we could get photographed for the best result. It was a joy to see the passion with which she worked and a privilege to see her at work up close. And we were blown away when we got the processed photos from her after waiting for a few days. Have a look for yourself, and be sure to check out

When you’re not wearing gloves, sitting on snow is all fun until it’s time to get up.
I’m not wearing the right shoes for this kind of snow, but I noticed my drenched socks only much later!
It takes a special kind of photographer to make even me look good! ;-)
The frozen lake at Hagaparken.

