The 70 year old theory that is challenging everything we know about the universe

David Bohm’s quantum mechanics is a radical rethinking of time, space, and matter.

Tim Andersen, Ph.D.
The Infinite Universe
8 min readJun 5, 2020


Albert Einstein had no doubt that human beings were “stuck” in time like flies in amber. Every moment had been planned out from the beginning. Every action that any person took was a result of preceding actions. You had no control over your life. All you could do was observe. Whenever you thought you were making decisions about your life, it was an illusion. Your life was determined before you were born.

Photo by Flickr user mark l. knowles

If Einstein were a Christian, he would have been a Calvinist, believing that all souls are chosen by God for salvation or damnation before they were born. Since he wasn’t, he believed in another determinist’s God, that of ex-communicated Jewish philosopher Spinoza. Time was simply a dimension along which God placed events, all perfectly set in glass.

Portrait of Baruch de Spinoza (1632–1677), ca. 1665. Public Domain.

According to Einstein, he was meant to make all his discoveries. He was meant to become famous. He was meant to help kick off the Manhattan project that ended in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and started the Cold War.

