Gravity: Force and Empire

All wormholes lead to Adama.

Tim Andersen, Ph.D.
The Infinite Universe
15 min readJun 15, 2020


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Prologue: Genesis

God said, “Let there be light.” And there was light! — The Book of Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 3 New English Translation.

In the beginning, was nothingness. Not even time existed. There was no inky blackness of space because there was no space. All there was was the potential for being and becoming, timeless and eternal.

The universe sprang into existence from this potential and for the first time in the history of the universe something happened. To say it glowed would be an understatement for light itself was only one facet of a unified and rapidly expanding ball of space, time, and matter.

Within the first ten to minus forty three seconds (zero point forty two zeros and a one), the Planck time, the universe expanded far faster than light speed. All forces were unified into one and even subatomic particles could not exist. The universe was a quantum soup with particles at all energy scales popping into existence and vanishing.

Almost nothing is known before this time.

After that point, something emerged, however, that would define the destiny of the universe for billions and trillions of years to come and represent its very shape. This something was a force but also far…

