The Big Bang may be a black hole inside another universe

Tim Andersen, Ph.D.
The Infinite Universe
9 min readJul 27, 2020


The idea that we are living inside a black hole isn’t as crazy as it sounds. Black holes warp space and time to the point where space and time reverse roles. For anyone falling into a black hole, the radial dimension, towards the singularity, becomes time and the time dimension becomes like space.

The two well known predictions from this are that, from inside a black hole event horizon, (a) you cannot escape because the way out is back in time and (b) black hole singularity covers a “spacelike” region of spacetime that exists like a barrier so that anything that falls in strikes the barrier simply at different spatial points along the singularity’s extent.

Another prediction is that the infinitely compressed central singularity of the black hole lies in your future as you fall in. When you reach it, nobody knows what happens because the laws of physics as we know them literally break down. Whatever the theory of quantum gravity ends up being might explain it, but for now we have no idea.

The basic idea for the Black Hole Big Bang Theory (BHBBT) is that matter from a mother universe collapses into a black hole. The singularity of this black hole is at a single point in space with respect to anyone in the mother universe. But, because of the reversal of time and space for anyone inside the daughter…

