Health and Dad

Zach Helms
The Influence
2 min readSep 6, 2017


People often ask me why I emphasize the health problems in the south so much. To be honest, the issue is dear to me. Seven years ago, my dad died from an undiagnosed heart condition.

Cardiovascular disease, as I’ve written before, has been on the decline in every region besides the south thanks to early diagnose and treatment, along with emphasis on healthy choices. But none of that is readily available in rural Arkansas, where I was born and raised.

Unfortunately, preventable deaths are not highly-politicized like other issues.

Rather, states like Arkansas seem to be more concerned with political posturing, while balancing the interests of insurance groups and pharmaceutical companies. It could be argued that these policies are meant to help people, but they’re directed at insurance coverage and won’t be a silver bullet for any non-public-finance problems.

In our last drunk chat, Bryce said:

Claiming legislation can directly change life expectancy immediately is a very bold stance. Are you sure that within the dynamics of the south that’s a reasonable understanding of the situation? We just turn off the switch and the light goes out?

While he may have been right about improving healthcare overall, I have to hope that he was wrong for people like my dad. Walking around right now are those with undiagnosed, fatal conditions. Many of them could be treated and live long, healthy lives.

My dad’s condition was treatable, and it’s never been lost on me that if we had lived somewhere else, he might still be here. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you want to act, give your state representative a call and let them know that you want them to address healthcare illiteracy, hospital readmission rates, and lack of access to primary care in your state.

Tell them that thousands of people die every day from preventable treatments. Tell them that they are the stewards of the lives of their constituents, and that they are failing to do their jobs.

If you live in Arkansas, here are the links to find your state representative, state senator, and federal congressional delegates.



Zach Helms
The Influence

Evidence-based policy advocate and ice cream addict in Copenhagen, Denmark