Holly Roberto On Success As A Health Coach And Inspiring Women To Lead A Balanced Life

The Influential
Published in
7 min readJun 15, 2021

Today we would like to introduce a very talented health coach to our audience who is doing an impeccable job in her field. Please introduce yourself to our readers.

Hi! My name is Holly Roberto Krack and I am a Certified Institute of Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and founder of Nourish Me Daily. I guide women who want to live a wholesome, balanced, energized life but don’t know where to begin.

I support you to find your unique balance in life through nourishment of your mind and body by ditching the diet mentality and focusing on adding in wholesome foods, self-care practices, and empowerment.

Living a healthy and balanced lifestyle isn’t just about the foods that you consume. It is more importantly about the things that fuel you off the plate, like your daily routines and what you prioritize and make time for in life.

It doesn’t mean going on a diet or completely eating ‘clean’ and never drinking or going out with your friends again. It means finding balance in your life, whatever that looks like to you; adding in nourishing fruits, vegetables, and self-care whenever possible to help your body thrive.

We are all uniquely different. I am here to guide you to find what balance looks like in your life so you can show up as the best version of yourself, not only for you but for those that love and surround you.

What inspired you to step into the health coaching industry and becoming a professional?

I have always had a passion for overall health and wellness, but it was completely reignited by taking courses at the Integrative Institute of Nutrition. I used to struggle with overexercising and under-eating or binge eating and overexercising. I created unhealthy, toxic habits for myself that ruled my life and was constantly worrying about the number on the scale.

I thought eating a salad and going to the gym to do the elliptical for hours was considered ‘healthy’, but I was constantly feeling weak, tired and self-conscious. It wasn’t until after graduating college that I found a few health and wellness influencers online that completely transformed my outlook on food and exercise: that food can be nourishing for the body and exercise can be enjoyable.

I then found the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, where I graduated in September 2020 to become a certified Health Coach. Taking these courses sparked my passion for health and wellness and made me realize I am meant to be a health coach!

I became a health coach because I genuinely wish I would have had someone like me to talk to when I was struggling. Someone to help me figure out what exercise works best for me, what foods make my body thrive, what certain foods do for the body, work on cultivating a healthy mindset & DITCH the dieting mentality.

We would love to know about your services in detail. Enlighten our readers about the same. In what ways can they benefit from your guidance?

I have a 3-Month Program that continues to transform my clients’ lives!If you feel like you’re stuck — almost as though you’ve tried everything: eating ‘clean’, exercising, talking it out, reading self-help books, but still don’t see any progress — I feel you. I’ve been there! I remember feeling stuck and that whatever I tried…dieting, exercising every day, not going out as much…made no difference. I just couldn’t seem to feel good physically or mentally. It felt completely impossible and I remember feeling so deflated and alone.

The biggest turning point for me was when I changed my mindset. That’s when I noticed the biggest shift. That’s when things started to change for me…a healthier relationship with myself and food and WAY more energy. And I remember feeling so free & genuinely happy. This is why my 3-Month Program is SO important to me. I know what’s possible and I want that for you, too. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to diet or lifestyle. Every person is uniquely beautiful and thrives off of a different diet.

As your health coach, I will be your biggest supporter, hold you accountable to meet your health goals and guide you to find your unique balance in life! I will educate, support & guide you to create positive, realistic, lasting changes. If some of your goals include: lose weight and keep it off, have more energy, get better sleep, learn to eat healthier, feel better in my body, incorporate better habits without restriction or going on a diet, then my program’s for you!

Through my 3-Month Program we will focus on finding what foods work best for you and your body; create a motivating exercise regimen with the help of a Personal Trainer; meet with a Registered Dietitian to learn about proper supplementation; cultivate an energizing morning routine; work on mindset and raise awareness of self-limiting beliefs; reorganize your pantry to set it up in a way that is supportive of your goals; make cooking easy, approachable and efficient and so much more!! We will create healthy habits in a maintainable, approachable and fun way.

Living a healthy lifestyle is a choice and I will support you to make it a reality!

As a busy entrepreneur, how do you manage the day-to-day stress that comes with running a thriving business?

PLANNING! Planning is key to my success. I am a to-do list fanatic! I prepare a to-do list for myself the night before for the next day to ensure I know what my day is going to look like, with some flexibility.

Time blocking on my calendar has been a huge help, too! I plan out my meetings and items that I know I need to do by putting a hold on my calendar and have reminders pop up on my phone to hold myself accountable and stay on task.

I even schedule in my workouts, so I can prioritize my health when I get too busy! Also, I plan out weekly grocery runs for my meal prep recipes so I can fuel my body with nourishing, wholesome foods that keep me energized and support me to power through my day.

Would you like to share your everyday routine with us? What keeps you balanced and going when times are tough?

My morning routine is everything to me! It has helped me balance out my stress levels in a way that I truly can’t believe. Creating a motivating, energizing morning routine for my clients is a piece of my 3-Month Health Coaching Program because it has completely transformed my life. By incorporating my morning routine, every morning, I set the tone for my day, set myself up for success and gain a sense of control. I feel so calm, balanced and grounded knowing that I have prioritized myself, even for 5 minutes, before I go about my work life.

Some of the things included in my morning routine are hydrating first thing upon waking, not look at my phone, using my gua sha (seriously feels like a mini face massage!), meditation, expressing gratitude and setting an intention for my day. In doing this, I fill myself up before anyone else so I can show up as the best version of myself for my clients and everyone I come in contact with.

Meditation and exercise have helped tremendously with my stress levels. When I’m feeling overwhelmed during the middle of a workday I do calming guided meditation or deep breathing exercises to reconnect and bring myself back to the present moment.

I prioritize some form of movement each day for at least 30 minutes. I listen to my body and go off how I’m feeling. I filter between HIIT classes, running, cycling, or simply stretching and going for a walk. This helps me re-energize and be able to focus when I’m feeling overwhelmed, having a creative block, or making a tough decision.

Lastly, my husband & I go on a walk most evenings. We don’t bring our phones. We talk about our days, goals and aspirations. When times are tough, I know I will be OK because I have such an amazing support system including my husband, family & friends.

Where can our readers find your work? How can they connect with you?

You can schedule a free 45-minute health consultation with me and find more information on my website, www.nourishmedaily.com. I would love to connect with you on my socials for motivation to get creative in the kitchen through wholesome recipes and weekly holistic health tips and tricks!

Instagram: @nourish_me_daily

Facebook: Nourish Me Daily

Tik Tok: @nourish_me_daily

I look forward to connecting!



The Influential

BHAVNA KUMAR is a copy editor at ‘The Inception Media’. A writer by day and a reader by night. She is also an early adopter who loves trying out new things...