Biggest Take-Away

Sam Beckerman
The Information
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2015

While using the internet, my researching technique and effectiveness has improved dramatically. When I first started this course, I would typically type in several keywords without giving much thought. This technique would be followed by selecting the first couple links. If I was unable to find what I am searching for, I would just assume it was not available on the internet. Although, after learning different techniques, the importance of using different search engines, and being concise but specific with your keywords my researching ability has improved significantly. One recent example I can think of, is for one of my communication classes I am writing a paper on Thomas Edison and the impact he had on the film and motion picture industry. Before changing my research technique, I think finding credible and accurate information would be an extremely daunting task. Although, I started by making a list of keyword, and that helped me find several valuable websites. For the paper, we also had to use several print sources. I used the ZSR page for one of the first times, and was able to find several online and print books to help with my research. The improvement in my technique helped me immensely in this project, and resulted in me writing a much stronger paper then what I would have with my old techniques.

University, Western Washington. Research. Digital image. Office of Research and Sponsorship. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2015. <>.

After researching the topic extensively, I have also become very interested in learning more about cyber-terrorism. It is a form of terrorism that often goes undiscussed, although if it strikes the impacts can be devastating. After reading several articles, scholarly journals, and several chapters from different books it seems like there is no real way to combat an attack. If an attack were to happen in the United States, it could damage the electric circuits, stop public transportation, or even stop water supply. After reading information from the FBI, and the CIA it seems as though several prevention techniques have been put in place, but the effectiveness of the prevention completely depends on the type and size of an attack. I found the more I researched this topic, the more interested I became.

A second topic I researched that became an interest is the idea of libraries in the future. I think the most important aspect of libraries staying relevant is their ability to keep pace with technology. Less and less people are resorting to print books in order to gain information and knowledge. People are using the internet, and I think having a working and effective computer lab in all libraries is extremely important. I also think it is important to hire librarians that are knowledgeable and know how to work technology effectively. I was reading about how libraries have become a hub for individuals searching for potential jobs. This typically uses the internet, and a specific software. If libraries can dominate this target audience, I think people will continue visiting and using public libraries.

