Millennials Aren’t “Killing” Everything

Bree Patsey
The Information
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2018

At this point everyone has probably hear or read about how millennials are killing (insert various industries here). However, in a recent Bookstr article by Macy Griffin, she writes about One Thing Millennials Aren’t Killing: Libraries. So that got me thinking, if this is true (which according to a Pew Research Study it is) then how have libraries escaped impending doom? Here are the five reasons I found that prove libraries have not only adjusted to millennials, but they have carved out a niche just for them.

“Creating the Future for Libraries” by Timothy Vollmer is licensed under CC BY 2.0

1. Libraries save you money

In this day and age, money is hard to come by, especially for the younger generation. There is a reason that millennials are still living at home in their thirties, and most of the time it has to do with heaping piles of debt accrued at colleges. But, being the most educated generation also means that millennials crave continued knowledge and the best way to get it is through books. Rather than surfing Amazon Prime and spending a fortune, many are heading to their public library to get all the books they need and want for no cost to them.

2. Escape the World

Let’s be honest, everyone could use an escape from life every once in a while. Libraries are this escape for many because they offer peace in quiet in the center of a crazy bustling world. And many libraries are even set up with little nooks to hide away in and quiet rooms to unwind and relax.

3. Free internet access

In today’s world, most people have multiple devices that they use almost nonstop. However, paying for the internet for these devices is usually an insane amount of money, that (like with buying books) many people just can’t afford. But libraries are the answer as they have free and reliable internet access, so your devices never have to be turned off.

4. Digital Libraries

Most libraries today have their own, expansive internet library in addition to the physical one. The digital library includes a collection of ebooks that you can check out, usually from the comfort of your own home, without ever stepping foot in the actual library. Sometimes, libraries also offer the ability to stream shows and movies straight to your device as well.

5. Other activities

Libraries have become a place that is still about the books, but also about community engagement. Most libraries now have an area designated for fun activities like cooking classes, art galleries, and guest speaker events. Now, many millennials come to the library to go to these free events right there in their own town.

Libraries have come a long way from being just about the books. Now they are a mecca for learning and engaging. With so many features, it’s no wonder that millennials are saving the libraries instead of killing them.

