My Most Important Takeaway from a Library Science Course

Edward Pell
The Information
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2016
“resoting to paper...” by catherinecronin licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

This past semester at my university I have taken a library science course in order to more fully understand research, information, and libraries in general. I would have to say that the most important lesson that has come from this class, is understanding how to go about research and finding credible sources. Before the class, I was a total “Googler” (I googled everything that I needed the answer to), but then I learned that the first googled result isn’t always credible. I also learned that there were better ways to find credible information such as databases like Jstor and ProQuest, in which you are able to sift through ridiculous amounts of information using advanced search techniques that allow you to tailor your results to exactly what is needed. Databases are a costly tool that I am lucky to have access through my university, but there are other ways to find information even through Google’s advanced search and scholarly search. This, coupled with learning the techniques of finding a credible source are by far the most valuable tools I have learned.

These skilled can be applied to various aspects of education and even go beyond. Of course, the most obvious use of these skills is research; which is especially helpful for an undergraduate student staying up all night trying to find the right source to use in his paper. The process has been simplified through learning how to use databases and knowing what I am looking for. I was ironically writing a research paper that so happened to overlap with my learning of these new tools, so I was able to firsthand experience and practice their use in an applicable situation. The application of these tools goes beyond undergraduate experience. They can be applied to situations in everyday life. The most resounding of which is simply knowing the credibility of information you might find on the internet. Information is constantly being added to the internet every day and not all of it is true, so it is very useful to be able to find information that you know can be trusted.

Through my experience learning and understanding the value of searching and credibility, I can now say that I believe everyone should have a basic knowledge of this simply because it will help them better find and understand reliable information, so that opinions can be formed from facts. If you have the opportunity to take a library science course, or want to learn more about searching and credibility, I highly suggest you do.

