Submitting your stories to a publication

Kyle Denlinger
The Information
Published in
1 min readJun 2, 2015

(This story awkwardly public but intended for students in our class at Wake Forest University. See also.)

For every story you write for this class, you will need to add your story to our class publication, The Information. To do that, you first need to be added as a writer on our publication, which means you need to submit your username!

When you’re done writing a story, publish it, and then select “Add to publication” from the three dots menu, then “The Information.” Then it’ll go to me so I can publish it. Soon, you’ll be able to see your name up in lights! (Well, perhaps a bit less exciting than that, but still…)

The dots menu will appear at the bottom once your post is published. If you’re editing a published post, the dots menu will appear at the top.

So that’s it! I’m excited to see what kinds of stories you come up with for this class.



Kyle Denlinger
The Information

eLearning Librarian at Wake Forest University. Handyman, web geek, dad.