Take-Away from LIB 100

3 min readApr 26, 2016


Knowledge…” by “ Sandy Roberts” is licensed under CC-BY 2.0


I have to admit that I, more often than not, have to stay up late so as to balance my study, social and my free time. With the addition of an LIB 100 Online Course by Kyle, I would say that my scale is nearly becoming imbalanced. There is just a lot of workload that I have to finish each week, and sometimes I have to sacrifice some of my free time in order to catch up with the deadline.

Is that a bad thing?

No. One of the takeaway from this course for me is to stop procrastinating. Simply enough, you procrastinate, you don’t get to submit the work in a timely manner, then that’s not good. However, when I graduate from Wake and, if I’m lucky, get a job in the near future, I believe that procrastination will be something that can get me into trouble, or even help me to become unemployed. Giant workload as it possibly is, still LIB 100 Online Course does help me to reassure the significant need for getting your work done before you go enjoy yourself.


I have to admit that I have created a lot of Voicethreads, a way of presenting your idea through the webcam recording, and every time I have to write it down first in order to help me better organize my speech, trying to get it done with just one or two tries.

Is that a bad thing?

No. Another takeaway from taking this course online is the improvement of my language skill. Being an international student, meaning that my first language isn’t English, sometimes it is really hard for me to say what I want to say. With the coercion of the beloved LIB 100, I have to communicate with my classmates and my instructor. Gradually, my English becomes increasingly more fluent, though there is still a lot of grammar mistakes. That makes me believe the notion that practice makes perfect. You just have to be brave and deal with something that you don’t want to face. In this way, finally, you will become someone that you could not possibly imagine.


I have to admit that I have written a lot of essays, blog posts, and annotations. And I’m not talking like a few, I’m talking like A LOT! And thus it is fairly time-consuming, and, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, I have to stay up late in order to get the essays done before the deadline. Not to mention the annotations, since one time I get a nightmare about me not finishing the annotation on time.

Is that a bad thing?

Well, except for the nightmare, which is something that I never want to get in touch with in the future. No, it is not a bad thing. Why so? Practice makes perfect, if you want to be knowledgeable, there are some prices that you have to pay. Besides, through the writing of those essays, annotations and blog posts, I not only try to express myself by writing down the English words, but I also get in touch with a lot of useful skills such as the ZSR library advanced research tools, JSTOR, and citing skills etc. Overall, though it is fairly hard and time-consuming, it is not totally impossible to finish, and by the time I finished the weekly deadline, I cannot find a word to express my feeling.

In the end,

I want to take a moment and say thanks to my instructor, who is probably reading this blog right now, and my classmates for creating such wonderful online course experience! You know, sometimes in life when you near the finished line of a project or semester, and there will be a mixed feeling existing in your mind? I’m feeling it right now.

