The Use of Technology in Elementary Schools
When I was in elementary school (Grade 1–6), we had very limited technology use in the classroom. All of our work would be done through textbooks that have been passed down year after year. And, once a week we would have an hour in the computer lab. This could consist of 20 old computers, that took forever to turn on, and barely worked once they got started. We would go through basic Microsoft word skills, and have contests on who can type a paragraph the fastest. While in the classroom that was the extent of the technology used.
This is being compared to my little sister, who entered grade 6 earlier this year at the same elementary school that I attended. When talking to her about the first couple months, she mentioned how the class had a school website, and they would take many of their tests online, rather than using just a basic pencil and piece of paper. She mentioned that much of her homework was also done online, and they would submit weekly voice threads, similar to us on what they struggled with throughout the week.
I started to wonder if all the use of this technology was benefiting her learning, or hindering it. After thinking about it for a while, I do not think there is necessarily a correct answer or a wrong answer, but I think finding a medium is extremely important. I think the fact that my sister does almost all her work on a computer is beneficial, but also could be considered harmful. I think it is beneficial because it allows teachers to use different learning programs, that might not be available otherwise. Although, I think doing all ones work on a computer is also hindering the learning experience when talking about word choice and grammar. At least for me, I have become extremely dependent on the use of spellcheck. It is a great tool, as it ensures all my spelling is correct, although it is also not such a great tool for a younger audience as they never learn how to spell properly.
I then started to look at it from a social aspect. My sister said that every student in her class has their own laptop. I have never been in her classroom, but I can not imagine this is great from a social development standpoint. I can picture that instead of student’s socializing with themselves, they are caught up with the use of social media, and other games on their computer. I followed up with asking my sister about recess, and she said many of the students stay inside and play on their computers rather than going outside, and playing sports or other games with their friends. For me at least, recess was my favorite part of the day as it was the only time I got to run around and blow off some energy.
I understand that with technology continue to grow, and at an extremely rapid pace that is going to be used in the classroom. I think there are a lot of positives of technology being used in schools, but I think that this should be monitored, as it could potentially hurt students growing from a social standpoint.