The Value of Libraries

Michael Anagnostakis
The Information
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2015

What policymakers should note when making decisions on funding for libraries.


Growing up, I never went to the local public library. I had a membership card, but I think I actually went in to the place a total of four times over the 15 years that I lived in my hometown. Before researching, I always assumed that the eBook revolution was for the best because who needs print anymore in reality? Like Eli Neiburger discusses in his talk, “Libraries are Screwed,” eBooks are cheaper, more convenient and much more accessible, therefore the main product of libraries, print books, are becoming outmoded. And that’s not to downplay the value of print books, because I do think that there is value in print, I just think that it is being slowly rendered obsolete. Libraries, on the other hand, have a value that many people do not realize, and because of that funding is quickly cut from their budget by governments and slowly their prominence is decreasing as well. Until now, I didn’t realize the importance of libraries.

I recently viewed a vlog by a YouTuber named librarianfanmail where she discusses her feelings on controversy over whether or not libaries are going downhill. She touches on how vital her particular library (and many others) are for the community she lives in for all different groups of people. She talks about it as a learning environment where children and adults can have access to resources they most likely can’t afford. She also notes how it is indeed a safe place for many children who may not live in good situations. I’m failing to do justice to them, but the programs that libraries sponsor are a key part of many communities because the resources they provide cannot be found elsewhere.


Libraries have an immense importance to our communities, especially those with higher crime rates and failing school systems. The programs they offer are invaluable to those people who use them to their advantage. If libraries are on the way out of our society due to the constant budget cuts and lack of understanding of the importance of them, then as Neiburger discusses, are indeed screwed.

