The Curse of Malaysian Airlines

By JC & JD

The Informant
The Informer
3 min readFeb 18, 2015


The following article is part of our archive and was published on 7/18/2014

On March 8th, 2014 Malaysian Airliner MH370 disappeared with nowhere to be found. Many speculations arose as to why the plane disappeared, including the unusually high altitude, satellite signals suggesting that power went out on the plane, tracking devices that should have activated that failed to, and so on. To this day, investigators still have not found the plane. However, they have found another Malaysian airliner, and this one is providing investigators with clues that are much darker than previously anticipated.

A Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 flying from The Netherlands to Malaysia lost contact with the airline over the Donetsk region of Ukraine. It was seen crashing as a result of missile attack. Two hundred and ninety eight people fell victim to this tragedy, with no survivors.

Beyond an arbitrary, inhumane number there are a myriad of heart-wrenching stories. One truly inspiring story belonged to Joep Lange, a Dutch AIDS researcher. Lange devoted over 30 years of his life working on cheaper treatments and preventions for HIV so more people could get access to them.

“Joep had an absolute commitment to HIV treatment and care in Asia and Africa. The joy in collaborating with Jeop was that he would always bring a fresh view, a unique take on things, and he never accepted that something was impossible to achieve.”
-David Cooper, Lange’s colleague and professor at the Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales

We purposely did not cover the “finger pointing” of the Russian, Ukrainian and United States governments in our main article because it is cruel, inhumane and uses the death of innocent victims as political leverage. Please click read more if you wish to know.

Russia is receiving most of the grief for the crash despite the fact that the plane fell on Ukrainian land. Vladimir Putin stated that the Ukrainians should be responsible for the crash, however he did not blame them for the attack itself. Investigators have thus far found two intercepted phone conversations that were rumored to have taken place between Russian rebels that the Russians claimed were falsified. There was also the possibility that the missile was fired from Russian weaponry, suggesting that the Russians may have been the culprits.

The White House has issued a statement launching an international investigation of the crash scene. Investigators speculate that there is a possibility that the missile was launched on Russian territory. The claim thus far is that due to the amount of Ukrainian aircraft being shot down by the Russian military, it’s likely that the Russians mistook the aircraft for another enemy plane. Not only is there now an international investigation, but this crash may reveal more about the rising tensions between Ukraine and Russia, and whether the world is to expect more tragedies in the future.

Sources: Yahoo, CNN


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