The Trial of Barack Obama

The Inhumanities
The Inhumanities
Published in
10 min readNov 21, 2019

I’d like to step into history, outside of the crazy and hyper-real zeitgeist we slipped into. We head back to 2008, just after the Global Financial Crises where I made margin calls for a major Bank.

Strange at the time, George W Bush had been the President of the United States for 8 years, presiding over what looked like deep corruption while spending trillions of dollars to right a wrong committed against the United States.

In spite of protests at the time, one presidential advisor (reputed to be Karl Rove) had said ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out’.

A co-ordinated mechanism of intelligence agencies, government apparatus, and media had worked to will Karl Rove’s statement into reality. Their mechanism ignored the boring, apparently unsophisticated and certainly less profitable reality that included the irony of fighting a Mujaheddin who were trained and supplied by the CIA a decade earlier.

The unfortunately unsophisticated reality with its mere evidence-based analysis could say that the Republican government had acted without any shame, in full view of the public. Rove’s statement seems as delusional now as then - the public failed to accept themselves as ‘students of reality’, undermined by the empires magical ability to transcend, to create the facts. What people thought instead was that the Republican party lied to put the public into a war, destroyed Iraq, destabilised the middle east with collusion from international intelligence services acting in concert to pretend that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, pumped the price of oil, caused the Global Financial Crises, had avoided the fact of Saudi Arabian involvement, had not properly investigated the worlds most significant terrorist event, had spent trillions of dollars on a response that had paid friendly companies and did all of it with such a lack of execution that the problem is now many times worse, with Russian influence now peaking in the middle east, and the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood and Shi’ite Iranian Ayatollahs coming together to make plans. And all of this as a solution to middle-eastern allies Saudi Arabia flying planes into New York buildings. Very empire! Much study!

Nationalism is the dominant meme in the Republican government and the 9/11 attacks had gifted them power over the people they governed as nothing else could. With that power, they discredited their side in a way that made them seem un-electable for decades. It was inconceivable to see it any other way, they had comprehensively failed and failed and failed.

Barack Obama began campaigning for the 2008 election under the slogan ‘Change we can believe in’ and ‘Yes We Can’. He was the first black American to win the designation of a major party in a United States presidential election. President Obama won a record turnout vote and his acceptance speech said that ‘If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer

Further, that ‘It’s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America’. It had been signed sealed and delivered that History had been achieved.

The defeated Republican John McCain celebrated the victory for the country, that ‘We have come to the end of a long journey. The American people have spoken and they have spoken clearly’ and called for the country to unite behind Obama.

That day was 11 years ago.

When President Obama entered office he did so with an incredible level of promise and broad political optimism into the context described earlier.

The change did not occur straight away, with the Global Financial Crisis keeping the public fearful but somewhere around 2009 everything seemed to open up in this unreal way.


TIME Magazines Person of the Year, 2010

It was clear that the future was bright, and not just bright but good, in a warm and positively affirmed way. As Facebook became more popular, people would connect to others they had not been in touch with since school. It’s so easy to forget how appealing and exciting this was at the time. Do you remember it? — nobody will experience that again. Social Media was connecting people who were honestly and forthrightly expressing their individual and unique personalities, expecting positive interaction with others. This is firmly in the past! We had presented ourselves in good faith, without curated or managed content. It was similarly naive to early photography subjects not knowing to smile, producing those grim pictures

Catch-ups organised on Facebook would happen in large and diverse groups of people, not just school or workgroups. Technology seemed to have opened up a new world in unfathomable new ways. It was more or less inconceivable to argue about politics and everybody agreed that immutable properties of a person — physical appearance and biologically given determinations were out of bounds for judgment. It was just not important. When we parted ways, we used our phone to catch an Uber — Taxi’s had been generally unpleasant for a long time. Even Uber drivers had a promise about them, an unrealistically high expectation on strangers.

The religious instinct had been conquered in the Western World with the original 4 horsemen of the non-apocalypse, Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens and Dennett. Atheism, Science and rationality were taken as mundane facts of reality.

The Corporate world had been demonised in the late 90’s but it was eminently friendlier than it is now, I can remember friends being given time off for sabbaticals to work for non-profits, others working for the UN or World Bank or other global organisations working on the common good. Of the massive and growing tech firms it was almost heresy to talk about making a profit — they were about solving problems, especially human problems and individuating as individuals. People started using nootropics and micro-dosed hallucinogens to expand creativeness. US States began to legalise medicinal cannabis and decriminalise recreational marijuana.

I am at pains to admit that my ability to communicate how promising this time period was will be insufficient for anybody who wasn’t there.

Is this delusional? It all seems so bizarre today, like an alternate universe.

How did Donald Trump get elected out of this paradisaical Utopia?

Right up until the day Donald Trump was elected it seemed categorically impossible that a Republican president could be elected. Some people are still unadjusted. How did everything go from being so good under President Obama to the situation that elected Donald Trump?

Am I remembering correctly?

We all know Barack Obama, an incredibly charismatic and likable guy. When he first appeared on the political scene there was an almost innocent good faith promise to him. It was magnified by the appearance of him wearing his older brothers suits. Barack had a type of confidence, especially the confidence of a good speaker. He was an idealist on a personal journey to discover and rediscover his race, his roots, and what it all meant in the world today. Barack Obama symbolised the post-racial world, the adjustment of what that meant to an individual and his success symbolised how society would accept, encourage and promote that growth and live it together. He was living out the dream of Martin Luther King wholesale, every right-thinking person was supportive of such a journey, including his Republican political opponent in his first election. It was just promising that somebody was doing it in our lifetime and becoming president along the way.

Besides this good faith journey, 2009 Nobel Peace Prize recipient, President Barack Obama also LOVED bombing third world countries as president. He picked up where the Republican party had left off, leaving people confused as to why ‘we were all Bush’ites now’, causing significant instability in the Islamic world.

It seemed like President Obama’s pet project during his time in office was universal healthcare. From outside the United States this seems like an incredibly humble goal for a globally popular president. The United States spends over 16% of annual GDP on healthcare while many countries with universal healthcare spend half of that. American protests on the superior quality of their extortionate healthcare care are not true — medical mistakes in the United States are the third leading cause of death. More than 250,000 people a year, almost 100x times more than the World Trade Centre attacks that were worth 7 trillion dollars in response.

Although it seemed a catastrophic shame that he did not get a chance to properly implement his health care something does not seem right at a deeper level.

Why couldn’t the state apparatus, the corporate paychecks, the media, the tech companies, the judiciary, the international spy agencies, the NSA data and the direction of the weight of the entire US Government be used to help President Obama get his Universal Healthcare through? They are all used aggressively and shamelessly against Donald Trump. Why weren’t they there for President Obama’s healthcare?

President Obama was at the wheel when Hillary Clinton wreaked havoc across the entirety of the US Government, where corporate entities funded manipulative organisations using aggressive realpolitik Marxist tactics — such as Black Lives Matter. Why couldn’t this agenda with these tactics be used to help President Barack Obama achieve his personal goal, consistent with the hypothetical ethos of Democrats in his time in presidency? Why can they find women to make up stories about sexual assaults by Brett Kavanaugh but can’t deliver relatively basic facts on Universal Healthcare? If Black Lives Matter, why couldn’t this extraordinary effort be made towards President Obama’s universal healthcare?

The Obama Presidency warns us about shady mechanics within the US Government. How much power did Barack Obama have as President? Had we been sold a well-meaning, charismatic and likable front-man for the state apparatus to do what it was going to do anyway, to create reality for us to all adjust to? And why did that apparatus love Hillary Clinton so much in 2016? What happened to that popular fellow Bernard Sanders?

Democrat presidencies are built on liberal and progressive values. Similar to the World Trade Centre terrorist attacks that gave the Republican presidency so much power there was a motivated effort to give Hillary Clinton's Democrat presidency the same type of power by creating oppressed classes. Barack Obama and his personal journey was a symbol for this end. Our shared moment of truth was spent to shaft Sanders and elect Clinton, dramatically restructuring society in a way that may have permanently damaged it.

The very weird result is that current news articles are not even supportive of Barack Obama with the Guardian of all outlets running a story titled ‘Thanks Obama, but these patronising lectures are getting old’.

And with one set of bizarre circumstances after another, we have to look back at this golden period and ask ourselves — perhaps none of it was that way at all?

Why were the same people from the Republicans false intelligence reports pre-Iraq invasion, Bob Mueller and Alexander Downer now turning up for Democrat’ false intelligence reports in 2016?

The social media phenomenon was permanently damaged when American intelligence agencies drag-netted our data, damaging social media in a way where it would not be the same. Several whistle-blowers came out to spend decades in prison and the US is still trying to prosecute Julian Assange.

It would have been a terrible time for anybody with a conservative view or a Republican party member. They had been manipulated and abused, publicly ridiculed by the way their good faith was used. I don’t remember anybody expressing these views in public -they existed as an alien lifeform.

Christians were in the same boat to a greater degree, and if you were a Christian Republican you were in especially deep water. The 4 new-atheist horseman was revealed as a bit of a stunt, simply repeating an already-held majority view. The ground had been broken here almost 90 years ago in Bertrand Russels piece on why he was not a Christian. A renaissance of atheist Christian belief is occurring right now, unimaginable then.

What happened to ‘Do No Evil’? Tech firms now openly fight against free speech, shutting down non-mainstream conversations, viciously opposing anything that can be seen as a political opponent. Their duplicitous dichotomy is revealed in banning influential speakers who deny accusations of white supremacy while allowing actual white supremacists access to their platforms. Qui bono hombres?

And while China grew into an existential threat to the global order, building military installations in the south China sea, Barack Obama was ordering which bathroom transgender children should use.

But it is most difficult to get past the current state of race relations.

Barack Obama had been elected president precisely because people no longer cared about race. Immutable differences were irrelevant, invoking them was in very bad taste and not accepted. Somehow todays progressive scripture dictates that nothing is more important than racial characteristics.

11 years ago the first Black President said

‘If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer

Further, that ‘It’s been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America’.

And his political opponent, John McCain ‘We have come to the end of a long journey. The American people have spoken and they have spoken clearly’

This race-baiting game that has been played on us is a degenerate and unforgivable tactic promoted by vicious animals in power.

And you don’t have to look far to find Uber drivers accused of sexual assault and rape.

The 2 below :(

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