
Ice Cold

A frightening frozen tale

Matthew Donnellon
The Inkwell
Published in
4 min readApr 19, 2024


Photo by Bryan Rodriguez on Unsplash

I think that might be the last of the coffee,” I said, setting my mug down on my desk.

“Resupply won’t be in for a while with the storm gathering,” Kevin said.

“I guess you’re out of luck.”

“It’s okay I’ve been hoarding packets for weeks now.”

He walked into the room when the radio crackled. Messages were rare here. The remote research station rarely got called. It was usually us asking for something. But, the storm made it hard to hear.

I could only make out some of the words:

Emergency…Reports….CDC…disease has spread to every major area…strange symptoms…violent..infected…..use extreme caution….avoid dead bodies….repeat…avoid dead bodies…reanimation….they’re coming…they’re coming.

“Kevin,” I said, “did you hear that?”

No answer.


There weren’t many places he could be. The module we were staying in only had a couple rooms. I checked his bunk first. There was nothing but an empty sleeping bag, and a room temperature hot water bottle.

I heard commotion in the storage room. The three scientists that just arrived were always in there checking their equipment.



Matthew Donnellon
The Inkwell

Matthew Donnellon is a writer, artist, and sit down comedian. He is the author of The Curious Case of Emma Lee and Other Stories.