
The Demon in the Hills

A dare goes bad

Matthew Donnellon
The Inkwell
Published in
3 min readMay 21, 2024


It started with a dare.

As all bad things tended to.

It actually started in the lunchroom of the local high school where so many dumb ideas originate.

They were gathered around the table to hatch their plan.

“Tonight after school?” one Michael asked.

“Yes, can everyone make it?” Web asked the group of five.

“I have swim practice right after school. Can we push it an hour?” Sam pleaded.

Everyone looked at each other and shrugged.

“I think that will work,” Web said, “So are you going to go through with it?”

All eyes turned on Ryan.

They had all heard the stories about the black haired demon that roamed the heather outside of town.

People heard the beast in the woods and more than one had seen the creature.

No one had ever gotten a good glimpse of the monster. Some saw it crossing the street deep in the woods. Others had seen it fleeing from their farms in the early morning light.

It was blamed for attacks on animals. Some said the beast took small children. Many parents in the area would threaten their children…



Matthew Donnellon
The Inkwell

Matthew Donnellon is a writer, artist, and sit down comedian. He is the author of The Curious Case of Emma Lee and Other Stories.