PART ONE (As if you wanted more).

Do You Know the Difference Between Bloggers Who Write and Writers Who Blog?

An open letter to writers who write to other writers about writing

Lon Shapiro
The Inner Game of Writing
8 min readAug 26, 2019


Intended with love and brotherhood to those of us who just don’t know any better

When I wake up on a Sunday morning, my usual ritual is to do some exercise, glance at Medium, take a dump and then go on a hike with my dogs.

While the exact order of these activities isn’t that important, I highly recommend taking the dump before hiking with the dogs. It’s terribly uncomfortable to be out in the middle of nature, miles away from a rest room and then get the urge.

And you know the kind of urge I’m talking about.

I have a terrible urge this morning to scream at Medium’s vast collection of “writing” coaches, content marketers and even people who are sincerely trying to help other people become writers.

Here’s the outline of my two-part Sunday sermon*:

  1. The differences between bloggers who write and writers who blog. Apologize for what seems like a rant, but is actually a…



Lon Shapiro
The Inner Game of Writing

High quality creative & design Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time