stole this image from my daugter who stole it from the web

The Importance of trying out fun.

Fun rhymes with sun. I just hadn’t seen the connection.

Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2018


Today, as like many days I wake feeling like a completely different person from the person I fell asleep with. Funny enough, I had thought I’d buried this Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde personality. Aimed to kill whoever the bad one of those two is with a super early kettle bells session, and with it seemingly almost killing myself off as it turns out fasted 5km runs are different beasts from fasted weight lifting cardio… ie don’t do it…


As you know I’ve spent 6 months transforming my life to achieve both a big goal (running 100 miles non stop) and to achieve a daily contentment in life, looking at ways to medicate my ups and downs through excercise and wellbeing. It’s 200% worked, it’s just that working doesn’t mean I never feel down. I had thought I had ridded myself of the lows, but recently the ghosts come back all too regularly.

“Yeah in short I think you need to prescribe to the notion that life is one big wave machine… ups always follow downs and it constantly cycles…. there is no island…. so best thing is to make sure the body boat is fit for purpose”

That quote is from a famous poet, his name is me!!… Talking to a mate recently about his downs and it made that flowed from the orifice of win like wine (water). I liked it so I am quoting myself (baller!)

Anyway, this post isn’t meant to be some debbie downner post — but within hours of completing my morning Cardio work, and then necking coffee (I think I might be drinking too much again) I was back in the studio giving it my all to the playground crew (where all the companies we support thrive) — within a few hours I felt so fucking awful. Low, low on energy, low on positivity..

I found, I find… that all things happen for a reason, or at least I make sure there is a reason that I feel I made happen by putting myself in a position I cannot control… Feeling uttertly glum this afternoon I just thought fuck it, head to that light.. so I walked and walked.

I hate being down. I aim to inspire, but sometimes I feel low.


But hey, what came from this long walk was goodness.. there is always fun when there is no sun. I chose a random (or so I thought) podcast to listen to.. and I listened for hours while I walked across london.

really really enjoyed this podcast

And what I came to realise was that this amazing guy, James Altucher who was nearly 50 was still trying new things, recently starting stand up comedy.. and it made me realise that I was taking myself too seriously. I needed to experiment more. I needed to use these therapeutic medium posts to experiment and evolve, and that I needed to just speak to the camera, get better, learn how to talk more naturally, learn how to not be embarrassed when talking in public (I really really don’t like public speaking but have to do it in my day to day) and just work and work on developing and learning and enjoying the journey of learning. I can only get better by pushing and trying! NO SHIT M8!!!

I know I am not confident in front of camera, and ‘vlogging’ isn’t something that comes natural to me as I have to think on my feet (pun intended assuming that is a pun) but I just need to let rip, film, upload, move on.. so I did just that, posted three videos in one day! — broke my own 1 video a day rule I had for some reason bestowed upon myself. Boring fucking shit!


So what the fuck am I actually saying in this post.. what is it I am trying to say is although I thought today was a write-off, it actually has turned into a light shining fun day because I realised that I need to JUST FUCKING DO IT and keep talking about the shit I need to talk about in order for me to get through life, and as an aside I felt really good and felt compelled to write this and tomorrow I am going to run up a hill I have in mind at 6:30am 5 times because I can, want to and need to..

that 100 miles isn’t going to run itself.

Any feedback welcome, my wife says she feels sick watching them (hopefully not because of me as such, because I move the camera too much. I realises I sniff all the time (it was cold), I have a weird voice some times which is probably when I am nervous and try to sound more London, and Gracie (my 9 year old) says I need do some give-aways.. apparently all the cool youtubers incentifise their \fans\ by giving them MacBooks!

