Why I Made The Change.

It’s only words – except words don’t work in a silo. I had to take action.

Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2018


I’m on my ultra journey to take on a 100 mile Ultra race in October 2018. This is my journey.

In August of 2017 I stopped alcohol for good, turned vegetarian, transformed my nutrition intake and decided over night to become an ultra runner.


I’m on my ultra journey to take on a 100 mile Ultra race in October 2018. This is my journey. In August of 2017 I stopped alcohol for good, turned vegetarian, transformed my nutrition intake and decided over night to become an ultra runner.

For those averse to watching long monologues of gushing feelz here is a words version

Oh and I was inspired to talk by my own daughter…

I’m Mills, and now possibly also Matt mills@ustwo.com – i love to talky.

#TheRoadTo100 #RunToTheLight

