“Where earth and sea collide — 2012”

To find the inner voice

Where body and mind melt together

Alex Palladini
2 min readDec 7, 2013


I believe that the fear and sense of discomfort that people experience when trying to sing is strongly related to some primitive instinct hidden in the human mind. It has to do with communication.

As human beings we feel the urge to communicate and to be understood but we are afraid of doing it. We are afraid to be judged, to be misunderstood and not to be liked. It’s an everyday challenge that everybody faces.

It’s only by facing out monsters and deepest sorrows that we can free our body form the ties that stop it from delivering a perfect speech, a perfect performance. Body and mind travel on parallel tracks in the art of communication.

The first time I tried to sing I was scared. I was scared of my voice, scared of its sound and of the secrets that it was revealing: my doubts, my insecurities, my dreams.

The first time I listened to my voice I realised there was something deep inside of me that I wanted to discover and reveal to the world. I realised that my body was trying to keep the sound from escaping away from me, to avoid this hidden truth to be revealed: I was stiff and crooked, as if I had something to hide.

I wanted to find my own voice, but I was terrified because singing with our own voice is like talking about our hidden secrets.

I realised that if I wanted to be a singer I had to fight my own body, fight my own habits and radically change my approach to life to find a new equilibrium. Since then I have been chasing my inner voice, challenging my body and my mind every day, in every work and every time I’ve been composing a new piece of music.

Singing is a never ending travel inside in the darkest corners of the flesh and of the soul; singing it’s my own way to find a spiritual dimension.

I like to believe that also great singers and great artist must have been afraid of their own inner voices: while a simple performer talks about somebody else, a real artist always reveals his/her hidden truth.



Alex Palladini

Musician, audio technologist and product designer. UX & AI researcher. Relentless, workaholic, hyperactive, coffee addicted. Lives and works in Manchester-UK