3 Ways You Can Break Free From Your Past

Number 1: Realise that the past is the real time memory of a previous event.

5 min readJul 11, 2020
Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Life doesn’t always go as planned and when it doesn’t we often find ourselves stuck in the past wondering about the what if’s.

Whether it’s a moment of confrontation, an unpleasant experience, or regrets about decisions we’ve made — we struggle to take the initiative to breakthrough. Instead, we keep all the negative emotions bottled up inside and allow ourselves go through the anxiety, fear and hopelessness that come with it.

In dwelling on the past, we sabotage our own lives because we fail to acknowledge and take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us each day.

No, life doesn’t go as planned for anyone but we are all meant to learn something from every experience that comes our way. So, if you really want to move on from your past, you have to be willing to learn from the negative, focus on the positive and let go.

Here are 3 tips that can help you do just that.

1.The past is the real time memory of a previous event

There is no denying that our past is a big part of who we are. But it’s up to us to either take lessons from it, move on and better ourselves or keep staring at the…




Psychology Graduate - Writes about life experiences, personal development, mindfulness, motivation, and just becoming the best version of oneself.