5 Vital Questions to Ask Yourself Before Winning any Argument

Your confidence and honor is on the line

Vytautas Ratkevičius
Vytas Writes


Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay

I bet you enjoy it when your point has enough weight and wins a discussion.

You silenced every opinion with your argument. It’s an assuring feeling.

I noticed sometimes coming across the wrong way and hurting people who are discussing it with me. Hurt is never my intention.

Yet, it happens.

I feel like debates shouldn’t be a mud battle. Discussion is not a sport. Every time we engage in an argument it should build the knowledge and understanding of both sides.

Studies have concluded that our logic doesn't depend on reasoning only. It also includes a strong emotional drive.

The fact that we are emotionally attached to the argument we have, we tend to be passionate about defending it.

That’s why it can become a battle where opponents start to throw mud at each other.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here’s some question you can ask yourself before the heat of discussion.

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Vytautas Ratkevičius
Vytas Writes

Digital writer aiming to inspire and empower you to live more puposeful life.