5 Ways to Curb our Deeply Ingrained Lack Mentality

Lack mentality is so deeply ingrained in us, we hardly know we are doing it

Elizabeth Gordon


Image by Florin Radu on Pixabay

We are creating our perception of our experience every single second.

Each thought we think about what is missing in our lives creates a vibration that produces more of what we don’t want or are trying to avoid.

Our thoughts are powerful creators — in fact, they’ve created all the circumstances we find ourselves in right now — whether we judge those circumstances to be positive or negative.

Why are thoughts so powerful? Because they create beliefs. And beliefs are the source of all action and alignment.

Going into 2021, I find myself so much more aware of my inner conversation about my perception of the world. So many thoughts used to go unchecked or unexplored. Now, I delve in and ask how I can have a better relationship with my ‘point of attraction’ as Abraham-Hicks coins it.

When we find ourselves overwhelmed with what seems to be missing, it helps to have a lighthouse to guide our way.

Here are 5 ways to curb our lack mentality and reset our sights on abundance and support:

1. Start saying “Thank you” more.



Elizabeth Gordon

Elizabeth Gordon is a writer, book author, and spiritual coach. IG: @elizabethgwriter Visit here: www.totalwellnesscopywriting.com GRAB MY BOOK ON AMAZON!