Automate the data processing using python with pandas

Produce a custom map using Google Maps Javascript API — Part 2

Simon Yau
2 min readAug 19, 2020
Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

This is follow up with the previous work, while last time I mentioned we can simply use Microsoft Excel to generate the data. However, we got around 40 csv files and I don’t want to do the manual work one by one using Excel, so I decided to use python to help generate the necessary data for me to use.

Previous Read


I would like to produce the from the UK police data to turn from the CSV to a javascript object for the Google Map.

Example CSV format

Example output format

Estimated time to complete: within 15 minutes

Install python and pandas

I am using Linux for my work, usually python is pre-installed, in case you are using Windows / MacOS, you may go to to download the python and install.

We use pip to install the pandas

pip install pandas

Import the pandas library and os library to manipulate the file operations

import os
import pandas as pd

Walk through the folder and scan all the input csv

path = '/home/skyau2/ukcrime/2020-06/'
outpath = '/home/skyau2/ukcrime/outdata/'
for r, d, f in os.walk(path):
for file in f:
files.append(os.path.join(r, file))

For each csv, we use pandas to read it

df = pd.DataFrame()
for f in files:
df = pd.read_csv(f)

We can have some filter by using pandas, example, I would like to filter the crime type = Violence and sexual offences and remove the data without the location info

    df = df[df['Crime type'] == 'Violence and sexual offences']
df = df[df.Longitude.notnull()]
df = df[df.Latitude.notnull()]

Open the file for write, loop through the data in the dataframe and produce the output

    fo = open(jsfile, "w")
fo.write('var locations = [')
for row in df.itertuples(index=True):
if row.Index == df.index[-1]:
fo.write('{lat: '+ str(row.Latitude)+ ', lng: '+ str(row.Longitude)+ '}]')
fo.write('{lat: '+ str(row.Latitude)+ ', lng: '+ str(row.Longitude)+ '},')


Full Program

Sample output

Further Read

