Covid-19 Diaries

Being Sad Is The New Normal

And Now I Know Why

I, Napoleon B.
Published in
5 min readAug 12, 2020


Photo by Aliyah Jamous on Unsplash

I have always had episodes of being sad, some I attribute to the weather or change in season, events trigger my being sad, and sometimes I just wake up sad. I am used to it, until now. I feel, Being Sad Is The New Normal.

I have never felt this lonely, aside from all the other emotions I am feeling as I navigate my way through this pandemic that most people would label as “negative”, such as anger and fear.

the world is temporarily close by Edwin Hooper
Copyright Edwin Hooper / Unsplash

The year 2020 is supposed to be a big banner year for those Gen Z who is turning 20, no longer a teen and finally an adult, for the Gen Y or Millennial who is turning 30, for the Gen Xennial who is turning 40, for the Gen X who is turning the Big 50, for the Baby Boomer turning 60 and excited about their retirement, for the Senior who is to celebrate their 70th, their 80th, their 90th or even for a centenerian.



I, Napoleon B.

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: