Numb & Number
3 min readJun 7, 2020
No More Human (


To paraphrase Orwell, “ in these days of ignorance it is the duty of the intelligent to state the obvious”.

OK I’ve got your attention. It seems to me that technology is usurping thought and the thinking process, the exponential growth in information has fogged our brains. We are now the punch drunk boxer waiting for the KO at our own hands.

Take money. What is this thing other than an evolved abstract concept that is the new religion created by capitalism and greed? Try giving cash, shares, gilts, gold or bonds to a monkey. What use are they to the ape that is so indispensable to us. That’s right just our moulded minds see money as the mirage to our desires. Get it into your head you are at the top of the Maslow pyramid, imagine a world where money was not the limiting factor to your inner humanity.

The system needs a reset. No I don’t mean a war or further subjugation, slavery and madness. We are surely servile to our own needs be they health, banks , poverty or our masters without adding to our continued misery. Please remove the illusion that you are quite happy and reading the ramblings of a depressive. No sir I see the light.

What we need folks is so simple that you will and others say it will never happen. It has to happen otherwise we are going out like a light extinguished by our own greed. Do you want the lights on or off?

Lights off. I don’t think that I need to explain that one dear reader.

Lights on. I could have had a dream of a world where;

Governments create the money and take the powers away from the banks. Governments to abolish all taxes . I think that we have done taxes by now and they haven’t helped the planet much already have they? Shares, derivatives and financial instruments of torture to be thrown into the dustbin of history.

Government to fund education , health infrastructure and transport. Free electricity as that is the most planet friendly energy. Government to create and fund businesses and research that do the common good for example alleviating child poverty, famine and ill health caused by a lack of basic treatment.

All people above age 18 to get salary for life in addition to salary from work.If they want to spend it on drink and drugs , let them. We would not need pensions, dividends or shares etc. Crime would reduce as a result of free money, population might decrease as people find that we are the authors of our demise.

Try the dream, how does it feel? Good isn’t it? Or would you rather the bombs went off or drunk the poisoned chalice of our own recipe. We have made the world toxic and slowly we will die. What would the last human think?

All of the above must happen expedited by a one world currency. We need to take care of Mother Nature or she will take care of us.