Communicating Through Covid-19: Pivoting Your Business to Survive

Why now is a good time to leverage technology to your advantage

Sonia Heath
4 min readJul 1, 2020

It’s now six months since Wuhan, China hit the headlines with its first reported ‘viral pneumonia’ case.

Soon dubbed Covid-19 and classified a global pandemic, the virus has changed the way we live and interact. And it’s accelerating digital disruption in the business world.

Communications has also been turned on its head with an explosion in the use of digital channels and changes in consumer behavior.

Businesses undergoing rapid digital transformation are surviving the global crisis, while those standing still face the challenge of ‘adapt or die’.

Embrace technology as an opportunity, not a threat

Unless you’ve been living under a hole in the ground, digital technology has already changed the way you work.

Organizations are adopting new digital processes to varying degrees, but the closure of physical spaces due to Covid-19 has seen live events, conferences, and trade shows shelved and face-to-face meetings scaled back or canceled.

Businesses need to be more creative and innovative than ever to find and engage target…



Sonia Heath

Passionate about all things comms … be it reading up on the latest digital trends, helping businesses make their mark, or thinking up my next big project.