3 Easy Ways to Stay Motivated and Reach Your Goals

For one, be careful who you share your goals with

Natasha Serafimovska
8 min readSep 16, 2019

The personal development industry has boomed in recent years as economies are getting stronger and millennials (who by 2030 will make up 75% of the US labor market) have extra cash to spend on achieving their goals. Hundreds of motivational blogs, videos and masterclasses are published daily that promise to 10x your motivation and transform your life. Yet, the number of people reporting dissatisfaction either at work or with life in general is at an all time high. How is that possible?

Why is that?


Well, for one, the self-improvement market seems very similar to the one of dieting where conflicting information about what you should and shouldn’t do abound. Take this, for instance. Almost a decade ago, Derek Sivers, an American entrepreneur, gave a TED talk where he urged the audience not to share their goals with others if they were to achieve them. He blamed “social reality” for this, explaining that once you’ve shared your goal with others your mind is tricked into thinking that it’s already achieved, and therefore, you’re less motivated to act on it.

Then, in 2017 Thomas Oppong, a fellow Medium writer, wrote a blog where he argued that sharing…



Natasha Serafimovska

EdTech SaaS content writer, thoughts on future of work, careers and freelancing. Subscribe at: thehumanist.substack.com. Hire me: natasha@lasercue.co.uk