Framework for decision-making for leaders

How effective leaders make decisions

Saujanya Shrivastava
Agile Insider
4 min readOct 31, 2020


When to make decisions and when to leave them to the team

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Effective leaders are directly or indirectly involved in decision-making. Some of these decisions are intuitive (based on gut-feeling), and some need proper reasoning. Similarly, some of these decisions are like one-way doors; you cannot go back, while others are reversible, and you can revert quickly.

Effectiveness of leaders are based on how they make good decisions, quickly. However, they have another important trait; they also look for opportunities to train their team in making these decisions. They grow their team to train the next set of leaders who can be equally good or even better decision-makers in the future. This is essential in the evolution of leadership.

Decision-making: both art and science

You cannot teach decision-making in a theoretical class; it needs to be practiced. It is as much of an art as it is a science. It involves processing information, doing an effort vs. impact analysis, looking at risks and rewards, etc. before making an informed decision. It also involves making gut-based decisions, learning from experience and course-correcting on getting more information; having that spidey sense.

